
Raspberry Rhubarb Dessert Soup

Story and Media by
Wendy Wesser
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Written by
Wendy Wesser

4 cups raspberries

1 cup chopped rhubarb

1 cup water

Juice of 1 lemon

1 T cornstarch

¼ cup sugar

2 cups vanilla yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream or vanilla ice cream.

Combine raspberries, rhubarb and water in saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10-15 minutes, until rhubarb is soft. Add lemon juice and stir. Strain. At this point you should have about 2 cups of liquid. Add cornstarch to ½ cup of liquid and stir until combined. Add the rest of the berry juice and sugar. Cook on medium, stirring until slightly thickened. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes. Add yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream or ice cream, and mix well. Serve warm or cold in small bowls or teacups, and garnish with borage flowers if you have them. 

Have fun experimenting with the creams, other berries and decorative toppings. 

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Raspberry Rhubarb Dessert Soup



Wendy Wesser

Writing, history, gardening, and traveling are a few of Wendy Wesser’s interests. She grew up in Alaska, living as far south as Metlakatla and as far north as Fairbanks. Her family’s history of six generations in Alaska reaches back to the Gold Rush years. She loves reading, hearing, and sharing Alaskan stories of newcomers and oldtimers alike—Last Frontier Magazine has provided her the opportunity to work in this very venue.Alternate bio for articles: Wendy currently resides in Wasilla, Alaska, but has also lived in Metlakatla, Ketchikan, Juneau, Anchorage, and Fairbanks. She enjoys sharing her life experiences of hiking, skiing, gardening, winter camping, etc…, as well as helping other Alaskans (old, new, current, or past) to share their own tales. Since she always says, “Yes!” to the next adventure, her backlog of stories is varied and almost endless. 

4 cups raspberries

1 cup chopped rhubarb

1 cup water

Juice of 1 lemon

1 T cornstarch

¼ cup sugar

2 cups vanilla yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream or vanilla ice cream.

Combine raspberries, rhubarb and water in saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 10-15 minutes, until rhubarb is soft. Add lemon juice and stir. Strain. At this point you should have about 2 cups of liquid. Add cornstarch to ½ cup of liquid and stir until combined. Add the rest of the berry juice and sugar. Cook on medium, stirring until slightly thickened. Remove from heat and cool for 10 minutes. Add yogurt, sour cream, heavy cream or ice cream, and mix well. Serve warm or cold in small bowls or teacups, and garnish with borage flowers if you have them. 

Have fun experimenting with the creams, other berries and decorative toppings. 

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Wendy Wesser

Writing, history, gardening, and traveling are a few of Wendy Wesser’s interests. She grew up in Alaska, living as far south as Metlakatla and as far north as Fairbanks. Her family’s history of six generations in Alaska reaches back to the Gold Rush years. She loves reading, hearing, and sharing Alaskan stories of newcomers and oldtimers alike—Last Frontier Magazine has provided her the opportunity to work in this very venue.Alternate bio for articles: Wendy currently resides in Wasilla, Alaska, but has also lived in Metlakatla, Ketchikan, Juneau, Anchorage, and Fairbanks. She enjoys sharing her life experiences of hiking, skiing, gardening, winter camping, etc…, as well as helping other Alaskans (old, new, current, or past) to share their own tales. Since she always says, “Yes!” to the next adventure, her backlog of stories is varied and almost endless. 

Author & Media

Wendy Wesser

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