Our Perfect Christmas
Our first couple of winters living in the bush were a bit hard, no question about that. While we have done without on more than one occasion, we’ve found that by shifting, modifying, or simply making do, we have never suffered living here. It’s been an adjustment but we’ve never done without to the point of physical pain of any kind. Oh, smashed fingers, cuts here and there, disappointments, the mental stress of nature caused by things like 80 mph winds and drifting snow for days on end, rotten thin ice when we need thick solid ice to fly out on. But things have always worked out. We learned quickly to work with what nature gives us, to use what we have at hand, and make the best of it. Winter always has added challenges, most of which many people never think about, but when we do it right and with a bit of luck, the rewards are well worth the effort. Simple things can have large rewards.